Exercise Tiger
Images Gallery
This section contain images associated with Exercise Tiger from 3rd Party sources. We will add images as they become available.
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Slapton Sands, Devon, April, 1944.
Source: Pen & Sword Books
Source: Pen & Sword Books

Children sitting on a railing watch the activity down on the beach at Blackpool Sands, Salcombe, Devon.
Image courtesy of photosnormandie.
Image courtesy of photosnormandie.

Landing exercise of a TD Bn with one or more companies in progress on a beach at Slapton Sands in England.
Image courtesy of photosnormandie.
Image courtesy of photosnormandie.

Aerial view of a practice landing at Slapton Sands, England, in preparation for the Normandy Invasion. Photo taken 17 March 1944. Note M-4 Sherman tanks, with amphibious breathing gear fitted; USS LCT-413 landing personnel; line of beach obstacles.
Source: US National Archive.
Source: US National Archive.

View of practice landing operations at Slapton Sands, England, on 17 March 1944, in preparation for the Normandy Landings. Note amphibious M-4 “Sherman” tanks on waterfront, and landing craft heading in.
Source: US National Archive.
Source: US National Archive.

Panoramic view of a practice landing exercise at Slapton Sands, England, in preparation for the Normandy Invasion. Photograph released on 6 June 1944..
Source: US National Archive.
Source: US National Archive.